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AAP Magazine #17 Portrait competition 2nd Place Winner is Erberto Zani

Portraits have never ceased to inspire photographers since the invention of photography in 1839 but it was at first a mere replica of the paintings’ aesthetics for the sole privilege of the upper class.
Since then, portraits have become an ordinary object present in every household but it also became a photographic genre at the crossroads of the artist’s sensibility and technical approach. Portrait photography is both a celebration of the subject and an art in itself and all the submitted worked proved just that.

AAP Magazine #17 PORTRAIT competition
2nd Place Winner: Erberto Zani
Neetu from the series "Survivors" © Erberto Zani

Neetu, 31 years old (Agra, India). She was just 3 years old when the father attacked her, the mother and the youngest sister of 18 months, with acid. Neetu had lost her vision in both eyes and deep scars on her face. After two months from the aggression, Neetu's sister died at hospital for problems at head because of acid. Actually Neetu works at Sheroes Hangout Cafè in Agra. The criminal still lives with the family / victims.
 Visit Erberto Zani‘s website

Discover all 25 WINNERS of All About Photo's AAP Magazine #17 - PORTRAIT competition.