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International Photography Festival PHOTO IS:RAEL

The International Photography Festival PHOTO IS:RAEL invites artists to submit proposals for the central exhibition of the 9th International Photography Festival in Tel Aviv, November 2021. The International Photography Festival is Israel’s largest photography event and will be taking place in November 2021 for the ninth time. The festival has long since become an established and well-known cultural institution which welcomes thousands of visitors each year, as over 200 leading Israeli and international photographers exhibit their work over the course of two weeks.

Photo Michal Baror

A jury of leading experts spanning a wide range of artistic genres will review the open call submissions and select the exhibiting artists. 20 artists will be invited to present their work in the festival’s central exhibition, and will also be featured on the website and in the festival catalog. The upcoming festival theme, that was chosen together with PHOTO IS:RAEL’s members, readers and followers, will be: Meeting Point

A meeting point is a gathering place of acquaintances or strangers, different or alike, which may be either random or carefully planned. A meeting point is also a junction of ways, cultures and views from which a split or a merge are both possible. It is a physical or virtual space in which one can exchange ideas, fight or embrace.

After a year in which the daily meetings we’d taken for granted were canceled or transformed, the concept of a "Meeting Point" has become ever more significant. At the upcoming festival we will seek to explore this concept from a variety of angles and interpretations, using innovative methods of representation through photography and other forms of media. We are looking for all kinds of meeting points – between generations, technologies, man and nature, truth and fiction – and will attempt to examine that specific point or moment in which the natural becomes artificial, and dream becomes reality.

What meeting point interests you? What meeting points are created through photography? What are the meeting points between photography and other media types? Artists working with photography, video, performance, and multimedia from around the world and at different stages of their career are all welcome to submit their existing works, or proposals for new work on the topic of Meeting Point. The artistic committee will review the proposals anonymously to ensure an equal opportunity for everyone, irrespective of where they come from, age or education.

Submission deadline: May 17, 2021, Submission fee: $15.00, including a free entry ticket to the Photography Festival for all submitting artists. PHOTO IS:RAEL is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering dialogue through research and the highlighting of artistic and social issues through the language of photography.

For further details

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