

Online magazine for Photography and Art – A window on the world of visual arts, where artworks from selected artists around the globe are shown and shared as well as News and Infos from the world of Photography and Art.


Kingdom of Fear by Daniel Winslade

Kingdom of Fear is a personal story at heart. An introspective look at what it means to be an artist seeing himself in a city, searching for identity in a time constructed with an eye to the past and searching for the feeling of fear.

© Daniel Winslade

Generation X got off easy compared to the hideous fate of the poor bastards in generation Z, they will be like steerage passengers in the SS titanic, trapped in the watery bowels of a sinking “unsinkable ship.”

Hunter S. Thompson

© Daniel Winslade

"The lost generation had jazz, the beats had the road, in the 60s there was the acid boom. My generation seemed wrapped in hauntology, constantly recycling trends of the past."

© Daniel Winslade

I moved to Shenzhen in 2019. A 40-year-old city, the average age is 28. I saw the potential for the youth to build something new through the giant tec industry. It was the perfect place to explore these themes of generations and hauntology.

© Daniel Winslade

But I found a city entrenched in a rhythmic drawl of time and observed the collective agreement between the people and a comfort so pacifying it seemed the city was void of discomfort and fear. Shenzhen was the portrait of my generation.

© Daniel Winslade

My recent work focuses on hauntology, modern cities, and what it means to be an individual within the collective and impersonal. Exploring his own psyche in the reflection of his environment.

© Daniel Winslade

© Daniel Winslade

Daniel Winslade

I first became interested in photography in college where I came upon Daido Moriyama and Robert frank that really opened my eyes to the magic of photography, I became very interested in photographys relationship to narrative and I went on to study Documentary Photography at the University of South Wales, 2015-2018.

I work within the lineage of classic documentary focusing on introspective narratives.
For me, the pure accuracy of the photo is an illusion, creating an impression rather than a window to the past. He sees the artist as a link between the physical world and the photographic.

© Daniel Winslade

Journalism and running an online magazine costs money. Our online magazine is free of advertisements. We do everything out of love and dedication. We are not profit oriented. Support Tagree that the magazine remains ad-free and the monthly costs can be paid. TAGREE, I love your cultural work, I donate to show you my appreciation, voluntary, one-time or regular monthly or per quarter:


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