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Film Talk #5, Cinema for Moabit as guest at AtelierGalerie IBERART

Kino für Moabit invites you to the 5th FILMGESPRÄCH ENTLANG DER TURMSTRASSE. On 30 March (beginning at 7 pm) they will be guests of the artists Liana Nakashidze and Mirian Gomeli (Japaridze) at the Atelier Galerie IBERART.

Theme of the film evening: "Georgia in cinema". We will show two short films, FELICITA (GEO 2009, R: Salomé Alexi-Meskhishvili, 30', OmdtUT) and TILL THE END OF THE DAY (CH 2016, R: Anna Sarukhanova, 15', OmenglUT). Followed by a discussion with Salomé Alexi-Meskhishvili, Anna Sarukhanova (filmmakers) and Mariam Kandelaki (producer). Moderation: Lily Fürstenow (curator)
Participation via ZOOM, registration at


Film Talk #5, Cinema for Moabit as guest at AtelierGalerie IBERART