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Viruses! by Alireza Vaziri Rahimi: LICC Prize Winner in Illustrate (graphic)

London International Creative Competition LICC Jury Panel votes are tallied with top-scoring entries in each sub-category making the Shortlist. From there, up to 20 outstanding Finalists are selected in each Category, with a Final Winner chosen to win the "Best In Category" Title and a total of $9,000 in cash prizes, in the Professional and the Amateur/Student levels.


Prize Winner in Illustrate (graphic)
University/SchoolUniversity of California, Davis
Alireza Vaziri Rahimi
Category: Non-Professional

As graphic designers, we have a responsibility to our society, especially in this surreal pandemic. Nowadays, when we all have to wear masks and hide our faces to protect our health under these thin fabrics, we are witnessing the true self of our leaders! The masks instead of covering their face, are representing their thoughts more than ever.

Design is a way of changing the world to be a better place, a better world might have a different definition for different walks of lives: maybe a beautiful modern bridge or an interface for a pioneer application, each can make one’s world a better place to live in. As a graphic designer, my greatest passion is to view and visualize the depth of a phenomenon beyond its existence. In this journey, I welcome challenges and mainly confronting the inner voices telling me “just mind yourself.” As per the legendary Persian poet, Rumi said: “I came to you without ‘me,’ so come to me without ‘you’.”