The Trieste Photo Days festival is happy to announce that American photographer Bruce Gilden, member of the famous Magnum Photos agency, is President of the Jury of the 2021 edition of URBAN Photo Awards.
After Martin Parr (2019), and Alex Webb (2020), another living legend of international photography he honor the festival with his presence at the head of the contest’s jury.
As President of the Jury, Gilden will personally choose the Winner Overall of the Single Photos section, that will be announced and awarded (together with the other ranked photographers) during the Award Ceremony of the contest, Saturday 31 October 2021 as part of the Trieste Photo Days festival, in north-eastern Italy.
The festival is working to have Bruce Gilden in person at the festival, but at the moment the health emergency does not allow this certainty. In any case, if Gilden cannot award the winner of URBAN “live”, he will certainly be in streaming for an exclusive talk, as happened last year with Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb.