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URBAN 2021: Harry Giglio wins the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival Special Prize

The exhibition “Fragments of Epic Memory” will invite visitors to experience the multiple ways of encountering the Caribbean and its diaspora, from the period following emancipation through today.

The first exhibition organized by the AGO’s new Department of Arts of Global Africa and the Diaspora, it will blend historical and contemporary narratives, presenting more than 200 photographs from the AGO's Montgomery Collection of Caribbean Photographs alongside paintings, sculpture, and video works by modern and contemporary Caribbean artists that show how the region’s histories are constantly revisited and reimagined through artistic production over time.

Fragments of Epic Memory is curated by Julie Crooks, Curator of Arts of Global Africa and the Diaspora and will feature a new commission by Sandra Brewster and art works by Ebony G. Patterson, Frank Bowling, and Manuel Mathieu to name just a few.

Time Traveler © Harry Giglio

American photographer Harry Giglio, already 2020 Winner Overall of URBAN Photo Awards, wins the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival Special Prize with his shot Time Traveler.
The jury commission (Daniele Trani, Lorenzo del Porto and Daniele Braida), motivated its choice as follows: “It looks like a frame from a Time Traveler film. With a sober but elegant staging, an excellent composition of the frame and a simple but very effective use of light, Giglio makes us travel inside this carriage of an out of the ordinary train. The travelers are immersed in their thoughts, but the presence of the author is revealed by the look in the camera of the character in the foreground; this meta-cinematic device helps the viewer to be even more involved in the scene, as if he too were one of the passengers of this sort of Galaxy Express.”
Born this year from the collaboration between URBAN Photo Awards and La Cappella Underground, the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival prize saw over 70 artistic photographs freely inspired by everyday science fiction.
Time Traveler will be exhibited at the end of October at the URBAN Winners’ Exhibition during Trieste Photo Days festival and, simultaneously, at the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival. Harry Giglio will be awarded a special trophy during Trieste Photo Days and will be hosted for 5 nights in Trieste, from 29 October to 3 November 2021, to attend both festivals. He will also receive an invitation for two to the URBAN Photo Awards Gala Dinner and a free accreditation for the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival scheduled at Politeama Rossetti and at Cinema Ariston from 27 October to 3 November.

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