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World Water Day Photo Contest 2022

The Lions Club of Seregno AID Ets based in Seregno (MB) in collaboration with UN Water (Coordinating the UN’s work on water and sanitation), together with Lions Acqua per la vita MD108, the patronage of the European Community, the Province of Monza Brianza, the Municipalities of Seregno, Monza, Melegnano and Gruppo Solidarietà Africa, in the occasion of the 2022 World Water Day is organising the sixth edition of the “World Water Day Photo Contest” #WWDPHC to draw public attention to the critical issue of water in our times, with special focus on access to good water. The proceeds of the competition will be devolved for co-financing international aid project in favour of communities in need of “Water for Life“.


Overall Winner: John Quintero | United Kingdom

The competition is open to all lovers of photography and to all supporters of environmental issues and is based on the theme “WATER: MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE”

Entrants may present all photos connected to theme of the contest and taken with any type of photographic device, camera, smartphone, tablet, drone. actioncam etc.

For all sections , entries must not have won an award in any other photographic competition on pain of being disqualified. Both colour and black and white photos are permitted. Software corrections, and post production are allowed , photo editing and photo manipulation are not accepted. Photos with signatures, watermarks or visible marks on the image are not allowed. The jury and the organisers will, at their discretion, disqualify those photos or images deemed offensive.

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