Community News & InfosScene

Kelli Connell: Double Life, 20 Years

June is always packed with events at the Alice Austen House, and they are excited to let you know that this year is no exception. With a new exhibition and an online digital catalogue of the xhibition, events on the lawn and more, celebrate Pride at Alice Austen House, a nationally designated site of LGBTQ+ history. 

Kelli Connell’s twenty-year project with one model represents an autobiographical questioning of sexuality and gender roles that shape the identity of the self in intimate relationships.

Windowsill by Kelli Connell


Kelli Connell’s twenty-year project with one model represents an autobiographical questioning of sexuality and gender roles that shape the identity of the self in intimate relationships. The project explores polarities of identity such as the masculine and feminine psyche, the irrational and rational self, the exterior and interior self, and the motivated and resigned. By combining multiple photographic negatives of the same model in each image, the dualities of the self are defined by body language and clothing. The importance of these images lies in the representation of interior dilemmas portrayed as an external object: a photograph. Through these images, the audience is presented with “constructed realities”.

The Alice Austen House Museum
June 12 -  August 31, 2021

Digital Catalogue

Embrace by Kelli Connell

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