In his online installation ADDICTED2CLICK, Hamburg-based photographer Ruediger Glatz presents a photographically artistic discourse of his everyday life and how he perceives it himself. Driven by his enduring quest to capture moments and details, he succeeds in photographically capturing the fleetingness of the moment.

The parallel online installation draws the motifs from an archive and plays them back as a slideshow, arbitrarily and unstoppably like life itself, at a rate of one image per second. The resulting film-like sequence resembles a pictorial collage whose sequence of motifs is not controlled by the artist, but is left to an algorithm. At the current time, the work shows 5048 motifs from the years 2020 and 2021. However, as a constantly growing work of art, the installation is expanded almost daily by new upcoming motifs as well as motifs from the years 2014 - 2019.
This online-installation deals with Ruediger Glatz´s perception of the momentariness of life, daily life, and passion for photographing its details. The unstoppable, fast going slideshow is pulling its images of an online database, extended daily by new photos, and playing them in random order, forming a portrait of Ruediger Glatz’s perception. The images of this installation were taken between January 2020 and February 2021.
An impressive offline presentation was shown from 28.02. to 07.03.2021 in the Barlach Halle K in Hamburg. The motifs of the online installation were on display in the exhibition as printed photographs in the formats 20 x 30 cm and 30 x 22.5 cm. This transferred the website project into the 3rd dimension and impressively clarified the essence of the work for the viewer.
Two videos were created for this exhibition, for which Ruediger Glatz was able to win the internationally renowned composer Nils Frahm for the background music. Frahm's piece "Black Notes" from his album EMPTY completes the installation in a wonderfully lyrical way.
Ruediger Glatz, born in Heidelberg in 1975, now lives and works in Hamburg as an artist and photographer. As forms of expression for his multi-layered works, he prefers to use the media of photography, video and installation. He sees his works as conceptual portraits, which he exhibits internationally and publishes through publications.