

Online magazine for Photography and Art – A window on the world of visual arts, where artworks from selected artists around the globe are shown and shared as well as News and Infos from the world of Photography and Art.


Tristan Zhou: An Urban Storyteller

Tristan Zhou is an award-winning photographer, videographer and cat lover based in Seattle, WA. Graduated from Shanghai Institute of Visual Art with BFA in Photography and San Francisco Art Institute with BFA in Filmmaking, he is currently working freelance for various people and companies like Google, Cadillac, Four Seasons and Garuda Indonesia.

Train Market Bangkok by Tristan Zhou

He was born in Tokyo, grew up in Shanghai, and now lives in Seattle. His very first video back he has made in 2007 and quickly fell in love with visual storytelling.

After winning an award at a photo contest organized by his high school in 2008, he found out that his passion belongs to visual art. Tristan worked as a creative director for a video production studio in San Francisco after graduating from SFAI in 2015. Then he moved to Seattle at the end of 2016 and started working freelance.

“We are too oversaturated with various images and videos. My mission is to create something that is not only eye-catching but also meaningful and storytelling.”
“My work is heavily influenced by movies, animes, video games, the things I loved and grew up with, also the countries I lived in and their cultures: I spent 11 years of my life in Tokyo, Japan, 10 years in Shanghai, China and 8 years in the US, San Francisco and Seattle”. 

Tristan Zhou


Journalism and running an online magazine costs money. Our online magazine is free of advertisements. We do everything out of love and dedication. We are not profit oriented. Support Tagree that the magazine remains ad-free and the monthly costs can be paid. TAGREE, I love your cultural work, I donate to show you my appreciation, voluntary, one-time or regular monthly or per quarter:


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