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URBAN Photo Awards: Win a scholarship

URBAN 2021: a scholarship to the School of Creative Photography (Cracow) is also up for grabs

A new important prize is added to this 12th edition of URBAN Photo Awards, thanks to the partnership with the School of Creative Photography (Cracow, Poland).

The School will award the URBAN 2021 winner with a 6-month scholarship (€ 1,500 value) to attend the English Photography School during the school year 2021/2022 (scholarship can be attended both in place and online). The Winner, if unable to attend the course, is free to transfer the scholarship to a third party. Whenever the Winner will renounce the prize, the scholarship will go to the best-ranked author after they.


A Photography competition that turns into a Festival

URBAN Photo Awards is a photo contest that sees every year thousand of partecipating pictures and hundreds of participants from all over the world. It is an always growing international photography competition, one of the very few that goes “over the boundaries” of Internet offering to photographers real visibility through dozens of international photo exhibitions. Only in 2018 URBAN realized 47 exhibitions displaying about 950 pictures. URBAN's exhibitions culminate during Trieste Photo Days festival, which hosts the awards ceremony, the winners' collective exhibition of winners and several exhibits of the best ranked photos.

Cover Photo by Anna Zborowska

Photo by Anna Zborowska