FashionFine ArtPhotographySculpture

Colorful world by Guda Koster

For Dutch artist Guda Koster, there’s more to clothing than meets the eye. Through her installations, living sculptures and photos, the Amsterdam-based creative the fashion theme through ground-breaking lenses.

Cover Image: One Leg by Guda Koster

Polkadotda by Guda Koster

“In these photographs I am often ‘invisibly’ playing the leading role, dressed in self-made outfits, often photographed against a patterned background. The work looks professional and serious, but it is humorous as well.”

From sewing the clothes and building the set to taking the photos she appears in, Guda Koster is a true Do It Yourself kind of artist. Koster’s work straddles the boundaries between fashion, sculpture, photography and performance. She has a very personal perspective of self-evidence and clichés Her sculptures and photographs of people hiding in tight forms of textiles sometimes show no more than an arm or a leg. They inspire curiosity.

Lazy days by Guda Koster

Colorfield by Guda Koster

“I make installations, sculptures and photographs in which clothing plays an important part. Clothing doesn’t just have a function but also conveys a message. In our everyday lives we communicate identity and social position primarily by means of our clothing. Clothing can be seen as a visual art form that expresses the way we see ourselves and our relationship with the world around us.”

The spatial situations in the studio almost become flat sculptures once photographed. She is internationally known and she regularly exhibits at home and abroad. 

Heavy head by Guda Koster

Standing stripes by Guda Koster

Koster’s artwork appeared in the New York magazine Mystery Tribune, she was asked to equip a display case with seven pictures in jeans in a shopping mall in Hong Kong. 

Click on one image to open the gallery


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Solo/Duo exhibitions (selection)

2021 Quicksilver, installation in an empty shop in Betondorp, Amsterdam
2020 The big happening, consists of 4 performances by Guda Koster and Frans van Tartwijk in public space in Amsterdam by five living sculptures. The performances and sculptures are photographed and filmed and 400 posters (70 x 100 cm) in four different versions appeared in many spots in Amsterdam 
2019 Blindgangers, CBK (Center for Visual Arts) Amsterdam
          Kontinuum, Sparkasse, Wuppertal (DE)
          VALS PLAT, Stedelijk Museum Vianen
2018 It’ s Playtime, shopwindow Den Helder
          Stoffsuche, Kunsthaus Alte Muehle, Schmallenberg (DE)
          Alles Anders, gallery Mozaiek, Zuidlaren
2017 Coole Typen, gallery Tammen&Partner, Berlin (DE)
          Mis-en-scene, KeK, Beverwijk
2016 Speckled, striped, checkered, Museum Schokland (duo Rolina Nell)
          Guda Koster, ARTVilnius’16, Vilnius (LT)
          Only me, Stadtgalerie Alte Post, Sylt (DE)
          This Art Fair, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam (duo Frans van Tartwijk)
          I presume, DAK, Utrecht (duo Anton Cotteleer)
2015 Wuppertaler Performance Night 2015 Nine Performances, nine venues,
          Sparkasse Wuppertal (DE)
          Made in Kaunas, Biennial Kaunas, Drobe (LT)
          Silence, Gallery Lokaal WV15, Amsterdam
2014 Living sculptures, RAW Art Fair
2013 Hey there fashion Freak!, shopwindows Amsterdam
          Presentation Re:Rotterdam
          ZIJBEELDEN, Gemak, Den Haag
2011 Just the two of us, officebuilding, Delft (id11)
2010 Of swords and ploughs, Kunstfort Vijhuizen
2008 Once there was….., metro stop Waterlooplein, Amsterdam
2007 “I still got to change”, Agentur, Amsterdam
          Art in the confessional box , RK church, Millingen a/d Rijn
2005 Guardian Angels, shops city centre, Leeuwarden
2004 Stadsquerrilla Artforum, Amsterdam
          Club Seven, Metro stop Wibautstraat, Amsterdam
2003 (hi)story, National Gallery, Bangkok (TH)
2001 Life is sweet life is bitter, HORTUS vitrine, Amsterdam
2000 In the open air, De KUBUS, Lelystad
1999 Always holiday, Gallery RETORT, Amsterdam
          In private, Stadsdeelkantoor ZUID, Amsterdam
1996 Carte Blanche, De Muzerije, Den Bosch
1995 French Coffee, Artotheek Oost, Amsterdam
          Cash & Carry, HEMAkijkkasten, Amsterdam
1993 G + G, Taras Bulba, Amsterdam
1993 Visible – Invisible, Gallery K, Alkmaar
1992 A work, Taras Bulba, Amsterdam

Group exhibitions (selection)

2020 Get Dressed, Galerie in der Reithalle, Paderborn (D)
           Open, Playroom, Zaandam
2019  DNA IKEA, Cacaofabriek, Helmond
           100% Female, Grote Kerk, Alkmaar
           A given space, Loods 6 Amsterdam and Kunsthal 45, Den Helder
           Affordable Artfair, Kromhouthallen, Amsterdam
           Aplomb, Vereeniging Sociëteit Haarlem
           Urlaub in Berlin, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin (DE)
 2018  The Lares, Gallery Antonio Colombo, Milan, curator Alessandro Guerreiro (IT)
           The spirits of the home, designweek Moscou (RU)
           Billy Combinaties, Gallery de Meerse, Hoofddorp
           Kreislauf, Museum Katharinenhof, Kranenburg (DE)
           The women behind, Museum on the seam, Jerusalem (IS)
2017  Nasty Women, Gallery Josilda Conceicao, Amsterdam
          Maskerade, shopwindows, Staatsliedenbuurt Amsterdam, organized by 
          Zie MIJ, Museum Ijsselstein
          Fotobienale, gallery Windkracht, Den Helder
2016 Sprung in die Leere, galerie Schwartzsche Villa, Berlijn (DE)
          Let’s dog, galerie Hommes, Rotterdam
          Cave of forgotten dreams, Koel310, Alkmaar
          Platform/platvorm, Melkweg galerie, Amsterdam
2015 No man is an Island, Cultura, Ede
          ART+FASHION, gallery Sis Josip, Den Haag
          Handle with care, Ostrale O15, Dresden (DE)
          The social Peek Show, gallery de Beerenberg, Druten
          Artist Sweethearts, Kuenstlerhaus, Dortmund (DE)
2014 Artfair KUBO-show, Herne (DE)
          Nord Art, Carlshuette, (DE)
          Workwear, Triennale, Milaan (IT)
          Gladstone, Gemak, Den Haag
          Piep, said the mouse, mansion Nijmegen
2013 from the canteen theatre, CBK, Amsterdam
         Moving Art Box, Kunstverein Wuppertal (DE)
2012 The conversation, museum Elburg
          Paradise 2.0, kerk Rheinische Landes Kliniken, Kleve (DE)
          Moving Art Box, CBK, Amsterdam
          Kunst und Literaturpfad Loreley, langs de Loreley (DE)
2011 Love in art, p”ART your life, Zwolle
         Weird men has funny beards, Huis Kernhem, Ede
         The ideal man, ArToll, Bedburg Hau (DE)
2010 Rehab Religion, Artcrumbles, Hangebouw, Nijmegen
          Unity of Variety, Artists Union Exhibition Hall, St Petersburg (RU)
2009 The beehive, OT galery, Amsterdam
          Different places – different stories, Voltairepad, Bedburg Hau (DE)
          Tomorrow, Chosun Ilbo museum, Seoul (KR)
2008 The sea is coming, beach The Hague
          Eingefaedelt, Wehrturm museum, Cologne (DE)
2007 UitZicht, Artwalk Amsterdam
2006 DORMART, Depot, Dortmund (DE)
          International art festival, The Yu Shun museum, Harbin (CN)
          Parthenogenesis, RC de Ruimte, Ijmuiden
2005 VAN STUK///OFF TRACK, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
          Kunst und Mode, Galerie Seidel, Keulen (DE)
2004 STOF!, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
          Zehn Jahre Artoll, Artoll, Bedburg Hau (DE)
          Snow-white and the three stooges, De Branderij, Antwerpen (BE)
2003 Polderlicht, Garage Ludriks, Amsterdam
          Scaletti has left the building, Kontor, Keulen (DE)
          A small world, Art Gallery, Seoul (KR)
2002 BUURTEN, elderly home Tabitha, Amsterdam
           6 CHANNELS, Silpakorn Art Academy, Bangkok (TH)
          GEDROOGDE HAVEN, Oude haven Schokland
2001 HOME MADE, private house, Leeuwarden
          The sweatshop, W139, Amsterdam
          AKT VI Anatomic Institute Keulen (DE)
          A Public Space, Odyssey ARTI, Amsterdam
2000 Stofuitdrukking, K.C.B., Bergen
          Acoustic architecture, Parsonsschool of design, New York (US)
          Alledaagse, Bijzonder, Verplaatsingen, town centre Goes
          CLINIQUE, medical fashion show, Nieuw Vide, Haarlem
1999 Orpheus bij zinnen, Robert Fleury Stichting, Leidschedam
1996 De wintercollection, De Verschijning, Tilburg
1995 Vlinderslag, Zuiderbad, Amsterdam



2020 Concept and realisation of 12 costumes for AURA dance theatre from Kaunas (LT). This performance will be the opening act of the international dance festival in Kaunas.
2019 Images publicity campaign Children Art Biennial in Amsterdam. In cooperation with children of  primary school de Kraal. Commissioned by the Rode Loper.
2018 Image birth announcement commissioned by Overtreders W .
2018 Design of three sculptures and four images for the campaign “Maak van migraine een hoofdzaak” (Make migraine a main issue ) commissioned by communication agency KesselsKramer on behalf of Women Inc.
2017 Concept and design costumes for a danceperformance commissioned by dance theatre AURA, Kaunas, Lithuania, Premiere january 2018. (LT)
2017 Guda Koster and Frans van Tartwijk collaborated in three works in which painting and photography meet. The three works were commissioned by This Art Fair and will appear on the This Art Fair posters.
2017 Design graduation gift for the Montessori Lyceum Herman Jordan in Zeist
2016 Commission for concept and designing seven sculptures for the Denim collection at the shoppingmall Lane Crawford in Hong Kong (CN)
2014 Concept and realisation exhibtion “Piep, zei de muis'” in Nijmegen in cooperation with Frans van Tartwijk
2012 Concept fashion-artproject Amsterdam West i.c.w. Itie Langeland commissioned by St Kunsttraject
2011 Artist in residence, id11 Delft. 2010 Collaboration project FACE to FACE, a cooparation with the police of Amsterdam
2009 Assignment communityarproject for the Edelstenenwijk in Alphen aan de Rijn
2008 Assignment artwork for an underpass in Amsterdam in cooperation with students of the  ROC course hairdresser
2007 Concept and curator exhibition UITZICHT in cooperation with Matthijs Muller, Artwalk Amsterdam
2007 Grant Wasserturm, Geldern (DE)
2005 Heapsteaps, a work in public space, Leeuwarden.
2005 Cooperationproject with architect Theresia Leuberger, Artoll (DE)
2004 Concept and realization art project; Greetings from Delft’. A recycle world costume project with women of different nationalities.
2003 Assignment for an artwork for public space in the city Zaandam, ABK Zaandam
2003 Concept and organization for the exhibition SPELEN, a contribution for the newspaper Het Parool.
2003 Concept and realization  two workshops of public intervention for the artproject landjuweel in the city Emmen.
2002 Proposal artwork in a block of flats, Kunstgebouw Zuid-Holland
2002 Concept and organization of the art exhibition BUURTEN in an elderly home in Amsterdam. In cooperation with Matthijs Muller.
2002 Cooperation project 6 CHANNELS art academy Silpakorn, Bangkok (TH).
2002 Assignment temporary artwork voor the church in Amsterdam, art manifestation Art for your health
2001 Proposal artwork in public space for a canel in Amsterdam
2000 Assignment for an underpass in Amsterdam
2000 Concept and organization art project KUNSTESTAFETTE, Gouda i.c.w. MJF de Rooij

Publications (selection)

2021 DeFKa Research SC Hiumor, Ironie & Paradie
2020 Get dressed, catalogue
2019 Catalogue ‘Kontinuum’, Sparkasse Wuppertal
          ‘Cover up’, booklet artwork Guda Koster
          Catalogue ‘ A given space’.
2018 Catalogue ‘Raise boys and girls the same way’, Museum on the seam, Jerusalem
          Guda Koster, cover and article in Glamour Affair Vision issue nr 1
          “Unfashion only – Guda Koster” by Clélia Dehon, The Seidz Magazine #4 (Paris)
          “Guda Koster” Mystery Tribune Magazine #5 (New York)
          De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2018
2017 ‘Guda Koster’, Maria Reyes Fernandez, ROOM nr 15
          NOT for print, Ello
          ‘Guda Koster, History without rules’  Eglė Petreikienė, Nemunas art magzine Kaunas (LT)
2016 ‘Playful photography of Guda Koster’, NOVUM magine 09.16
          24 works, Guda Koster
          Catalogue exhibition ‘Sprung in die Leere’
          Cercle magazine, edition COSTUMES
          Magazine Platform/Platvorm
2015 Catalogue Kaunas Biennial
         Magazine Ostraletto, Ostrale O15
         Kulturseite, Sachsische Zeitung, Dresden
          Hoera, hoera…., Herma Meere, Textiel Plus nr 233
          Peinliche, teils beklemmende Posen, Newspaper Ruhrnachrichten
2014 The big Amsterdam Artcalender 2015
          Textile Art around the world, Textiellink
          ‘Guda Koster’, Fahrenheit Magazine, Mexico City
          Catalogue KUBOshow Was ist hiermit?
          Catalogue Workwear, Triennale Milaan
          Catalogue Nord Art
          Cover contest VPRO magazine (number 1 january 2014)
          ‘ Again there is life in the house of Noor Smals’, De Gelderlander
2013 Interview
2012 Catalogue, ID11 in vestigates, id 11, Delft
          Catalogue, In front of behind
2011 Catalogue, The ideal Man
2010 postcards, face to face, police Amsterdam
          Catalogue, Rehab Religion, Art Crumbles, Nijmegen
2009 Catalogue, Bellevue das gelbe Haus, Linz         Birthdaycalender, council Alphen aan den Rijn
          Janny Eskes, AD, het groene hart, Als staatshoofd op de foto
          Catalogue, different places – different stories
          Catalogue, the forgotten book, ArToll, Bedburg Hau
          Catalogue Heapsteaps, VHDG, Leeuwarden
2008 Catalogue Trading place back and forth, Mariakapel(Hoorn) and Nieuwe Vide (haarlem)
2006 Catalogue DORMART, Depot, Dortmund, Germany
2005 Catalogue ‘Groeten uit Delft’, Gemeente Delft (kunst in de wijken)
          Catalogue ‘VAN STUK///OFF TRACK, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
2004 ‘Klederdracht helpt bij integratie’, Delftse Courant
          Catalogue ‘Zehn Jahre Artoll’, Artoll, Bedburg Hau
          Leonie Groen, ‘Zaanse ‘Coronation Street’ in beeld’, Noord-Hollands Dagblad
2003 Catalogue procreation/postcreation, Womanifesto, Bangkok, Thailand
          PS bijlage Parool (75 jarig jubileum Olympisch Stadion)
          Catalogue (hi)story, The National Gallery, Bangkok
          Samila Suttisiltum, (hi)story in Hua Hin’, Bangkok Post
          Catalogue ‘Wij bouwen nieuwe zinnen’, W139, Amsterdam
2002 Catalogue ‘6 CHANNELS’ Silpakorn Art Academy, Bangkok
          Catalogue “Kunst op je gezondheid Sigra, Amsterdam
2001 Catalogue ‘HOME MADE’, Stichting VH de Gemeente, Leeuwarden
          Catalogus West East Marriage, Silpakorn Academy, Bangkok
           Catalogue ‘Vedute
          Catalogue ‘A Public Space’, uitgave Amsterdams Fonds voor de Beeldende Kunst
2000 Catalogue ‘STOFUITDRUKKING’ , K.C.B., Bergen
1999 Ciska Hosper, ‘ Kunst in oplage van Guda Koster’ , TEXTIEL PLUS nr 167
1996 Catalogue ‘ Gebundeld beeld over samenwerking’ , De Verschijning, Tilburg
1995 Catalogue ‘VLINDERSLAG’, Stichting de Zuiderzee, Amsterdam



2021 Artistalk Nieuwe Veste
2020 Artisttalk A4 museum, Chengdu
2016 Selection committee Schwartzsche villa, Berlin, open call exhibition ‘Werte-Gemeinschaft’
2015 Lecture, Art academy Kaunas, Lithuania
2011 – 2015 Advisor Art in public space, district Amsterdam-East
2011 Lecture community art, Bosschemakershuis, Den Bosch
2010 – Coordinator Nieuwe Akademie Utrecht
2010 Concept and production exhibition SUPERSTRAK icw Frans van Tartwijk, Shopwindows Staatsliedenbuurt Amsterdam
2009 Workshop sewing yellow cloths, Bellevue, Linz
2008 Working as an artist in the children artstudio, House of Aristoteles, Amsterdam
2008 Selection commitee Veldwerk, open call exhibition Landverkenners
2007 Lecture, Zaanstad, Groningen, Amsterdam
2006 – 2018 Advisor art in public space, district Zaanstad
2005 Lecture, Hogeschool of Amsterdam
2003 – 2005 advisor cultural education AFK
1996 – 2003 Organization lectures in cooperation with Harmen de Hoop (Mirjam de Zeeuw, Miquel Marzabal Galano, Serge Onnen Sjaak Langenberg,Roy Villevoye, Jennifer Tee, Carlos Amorales, Martine Stig, Juul Hondius, Julika Rudelius and others)
2002 Lecture Art Academy Silpakorn, Bangkok, Thailand
2001 Presentation Keunstwurk Leeuwarden
2000 Concept and production art in public space (Erick de Lyon, Adriaan Nette, Gijs Muller) project PLANZ, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
2000 – Teacher Nieuwe Academie, Utrecht
2000 – 2003 Advisor of Art for the province Drenthe
2000 Workshop Bertha Hospital, clinic for psychiatry, Duisburg
2000 Lecture for Teachers Training College, Alkmaar
2000 Concept and production Avonduren (homesick) Begane Grond, Utrecht i.c.w. Chantal Breukers
2000 Lecture Rietveld Academy
1999 – 2002 member of the board suBk/Begane Grond, Utrecht

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