

Online magazine for Photography and Art – A window on the world of visual arts, where artworks from selected artists around the globe are shown and shared as well as News and Infos from the world of Photography and Art.


Lea Lund and Erik K

Lea Lund is a graduate of the fine arts of Lausanne, with a long career as a visual artist, designer, illustrator, photographer, and graphic designer. When she met Erik on the street, she says: “We were both recently divorced, it was a “collision” rather than a meeting… The next day, I offered to shoot his portrait. He accepted and I was challenged by what he had released in these first photographs, a mixture of melancholy and detachment, an appearance of an eternal stranger to the world… Very quickly, we made exhibitions, and continued to make photographs every day. Our life became a life of three; Erik, me, and the camera. A life of nomads in search of places, buildings, architecture, or landscapes.”

Lea Lund and Erik K, Photo by Alexandra François-Cuxac

Lea Lund, Erik K, please introduce yourself

Erik : My name is Erik K. I was born on 12 February 1970 in Lubumbashi, DRC.
Lea : My name is Lea Lund. I was born on 18 March 1960 in Lausanne, Switzerland.


Where do you live, does your place of residence inspire you to take pictures?

Erik : We live between Lausanne, Paris and Arles. In Lausanne, we make photographs in nature, – forest, lake, mountains –, and also for our series Studio which consists in letting go of our imagination by creating scenes. In Paris, we have the chance to live in a beautiful and extraordinary city with incredible architecture. In Arles, we are in the South of France. La Méditerranée, la Camargue, les Alpilles, Les Baux de Provence... Happiness!
Lea : We live between Lausanne, Arles and Paris, our places of residence inspire us, as lots of places do.


Do you have a photographic background?

Erik : I’m a self-taught man.
Lea : I have a Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design. Photography was part of my studies.
When I met Erik 10 years ago, I was 80% designer and 20% photographer. Since our meeting I am 80% photographer and 20% designer!


How comes that you are interested in photography?

Erik : A picture is often more telling than a long speech. Photography always amazes me!
Lea : It is an extraordinary medium. Having done a lot of drawing, I am always fascinated by the possibility of capturing the moment of a 10th of a second.


Which photographer has inspired your photography?

Erik : Jeanloup Sieff. With his fashion photographs and his photographs of personalities like the Queen of England, Churchill, Hemingway, etc.
Lea : For the classics in my youth : Cartier-Bresson, Brassaï, Kudelka. I also like archive images of completely unknown photographers and forensic or scientific photographs.


Why do you work in black and white / color?

Erik : It is the image that decides whether it should be in black and white or in color...
Lea : I love black and white... it is more timeless, unreal... But sometimes I takle color.


How do you prepare for a photo?

Erik : I never prepare myself. I dress in the morning as usual, and I trust chance.
Lea : I check my equipment, the contents of the photo bag, batteries, lenses, etc...
I dream about the image I would like to make. It's a sort of trance.


What are your technique and creative process?

Erik : Trying to surprise myself every day. This is an interesting challenge.
Lea : After taking photographs, I take a lot of time to make my choices. Then I intervene on clichés with techniques of drawing and mixed techniques, before bringing them to our printer, with whom we have a very close relationship, to make the prints. It can take several years between the cliché and the print.


Which projects would you like to tackle?

Erik : Doing a report in the two Jesuit boarding schools where I was in the DRC.
Lea : In April 2022, make a one month photo trip from Chicago to New Orleans.


What do you do in your life besides photography?

Erik : I design my style, my hats. I customize my clothes and I do engraving.
Lea : I love cooking, wandering, swimming, hunting in the thrift stores and drinking good wine with our friends.

Thanks a lot Lea Lund and Erik K for the Interview

Erik, May 2020
Lea & Erik, Lausanne, May 2020
Sans titre, photographie et gravure par Erik K
Erik, Paris, April, 2021

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