
On the street with Sébastien Verdoliva

Sébastien Verdoliva is an amateur street photographer from France. He is 64 years old and never goes out without his camera for 45 years now. He came to photography because he realized quickly that it was for him the only way to express himself artistically. He takes pictures mainly in the street, and always alone. He needs time, observation to discover what he wants to take photos, without any disturbance.

"I come from a family where art had an important place. Painter, sculptor, engraver, for several generations. But very quickly came to me the need to take pictures, as to immortalize the things I saw, and that never left me, witnessing things that affect me and store all that in my boxes. I have never exhibited, I have been asked many times, but I never wanted! By the excess of timidity, I do not find myself as a center of interest, but thanks to my son, I decided to publish my photos on the Web. After seeing my negatives, he told me that I had to do something and I will be exhibiting my work for the first time in April and May 2020".

Sébastien works with three devices that follow him everywhere: a Rolleiflex 6X6, a Minolta SRT101 and a Nikon FM. "Why these three devices? I really want to work only with devices mechanical, and I want to make my adjustments myself, each image must be thought and felt! It is necessary that my photographic practice remains a craft!"

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Sébastien Verdoliva

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