

Online magazine for Photography and Art – A window on the world of visual arts, where artworks from selected artists around the globe are shown and shared as well as News and Infos from the world of Photography and Art.


Hermann Fuchs

The Austrian photographer Hermann Fuchs explored the medium of black-and-white photography theoretically and practically from 1976-1981. From 2005 until today he works on theoretical and practical research of the medium digital photography and digital processing with Adobe Photoshop.

Hermann Fuchs, please introduce yourself

My name is Hermann Fuchs. I was born on 16.12.1955. I studied economics and computer science in Vienna (1975 to 1980). I worked as a lecturer, as a controller in industrial companies, as a consultant and as a photographer. I still work occasionally as a photographer.


Where do you live, does your place of residence inspire you to take pictures?

I have been living in Marchtrenk for two years. But I spent most of my life in Linz. I get the inspiration for my work from all kinds of opportunities (travel, cities, hikes, visits to museums, works by other artists).


Do you have a photographic background?

1976-1981 theoretical and practical research into the medium of black-and-white photography. The theoretical basis was formed by a large number of books on the subjects of photography, photography, positive/laboratory technology. Practical implementation was carried out with a Canon F1, metres of Ilford film material and my own laboratory. 2005 „re-entry“ and until today theoretical and practical research of the medium digital photography and digital processing with Adobe Photoshop.


How comes that you are interested in photography?

When I was sixteen, I started to play music and paint. Unfortunately, I lacked the talent for painting and my pictures never corresponded to my ideas. So I started taking photographs and experimenting in the darkroom.


Which photographer has inspired your photography?

My inspirations always came from painting. There is no photographer who has had an influence on my development.


Why do you work in black and white / color?

Colours and structures of objects are the most important elements for my art. That is why I only work in colour.

How do you prepare for a photo?

I do not prepare  for a photo. An object arouses interest through its composition, its structure and is captured with the camera.


What are your technique and creative process?

The taken photographs (or photographs of others) are the primary material. The development of a work of art (usually consisting of several layers) takes place later, as a detached step on the computer in a creative dialogue between image material, technology and fantasy. Most of the time, the basic photos lead the way to the finished artwork. But it can also be that completely new ideas arise during the work.


Which projects would you like to tackle?

I work continuously on ten different topics - depending on material and mood. Therefore, I don't have any projects that I see in front of me or that I would like to start. But new projects sometimes arise from external causes. During the Corona pandemic, for example, I worked on the subject „violence against women“.


What do you do in your life besides photography?

Teaching disadvantaged children, reading, writing, cultivating a large garden, doing sports

Thanks a lot Hermann Fuchs for the Interview

Popart No2 by Hermann Fuchs
Outre by Hermann Fuchs
View Into Freedom by Hermann Fuchs
Spy Out by Hermann Fuchs
Tired Model by Hermann Fuchs
Tired Model by Hermann Fuchs

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