
The higher dimension of reality by Christophe Biget

Christophe Biget has a lot of difficulties to face reality, this reality that goes unnoticed, trivialized by the average passerby. If he captures these moments of life, in the asperities and singularities of everyday life, in their integrity, his photographic approach is visceral towards exaggeration, the desire to bring an extra-realistic dimension to images.

If each portrait, each situation, remains consistent with what has attracted him, each character trait is underlined, every detail is highlighted.
Sculpting images by giving strength to events, intensity to expressions, brutality to poetry … he wanted to get out of conventional clichés because he can’t force hiself to be satisfied with them. To embellish things, we forget the essential …

My ordinary life is far from the crowd. Also, when I venture into it, it is a kind of frenzy that seizes me. Photography has given me the ability to look at the world around me in the smallest detail, with the time that I devote to it.

This time that I slow down, that I forget, because I am convinced that it is impossible to observe a world if one lives at one’s own pace. In this respect, being a photographer, in my mind, is accepting to take a step back, to get out of the routine, to move into a part of introversion.

Photography allows him to accelerate events, but also to slow down, just to blow a little… and to realize that there are beautiful and moving things to live for… 





“My ordinary life is far from the crowd. Also, when I venture into it, it is a kind of frenzy that seizes me.”

“Photography has given me the ability to look at the world around me in the smallest detail, with the time that I devote to it.”

“This time that I slow down, that I forget, because I am convinced that it is impossible to observe a world if one lives at one’s own pace. In this respect, being a photographer, in my mind, is accepting to take a step back, to get out of the routine, to move into a part of introversion.”


Christophe Biget



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