Black & WhiteExperimentallyPhotography

How old is your soul by Souvik Sanyal

Souvik Sanyal is born in a small town of Tezpur, Assam in the northern part of India, he came from a very culture-rich family where art, literature and culture were always discussed.

Therefore, from early childhood, he had a keen interest in art and culture. After finishing his schooling he moved to Kolkata to develop his interest for visual art and photography. Since then he has been learning and working with many talented artists.

„My project Psychosocial mortal soul is to display photographic art thinking beyond any physical gesture and look deep into the unexpectedly mortal souls wandering around the winding streets of the city. Mortals though end as dust, yet make more than dust.“

Besides handling and processing photographs through DSLR cameras, he is currently working on mobile photography and creating awareness for it. He has been doing his own projects, exhibitions and collaborations with other photographers to display his opinion on visual art.

Having no professional education on technicalities, he has been always learning and getting inspiration from global photographers and visual artists.

„My project Psychosocial mortal soul is to display photographic art thinking beyond any physical gesture and look deep into the unexpectedly mortal souls wandering around the winding streets of the city. Mortals though end as dust, yet make more than dust.“

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Souvik Sanyal


