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Meitar Award for Excellence in Photography

The Meitar Award for Excellence in photography, a collaboration between PHOTO IS:RAEL and the Zvi and Ofra Meitar Family Fund, will be awarded for the sixth time this year for a body of work that demonstrates excellence in the field of photography.

A independent jury of leading international professionals will review all shortlisted candidates anonymously and will select a photographer who demonstrates thought, quality, originality, and excellence in photography, as well as the potential to create a comprehensive body of work suitable for a solo exhibition.

The 20 finalists will be showcased in a group exhibition at the International Photography Festival in November 2021 in Tel-Aviv. The award winner will be announced in November during the festival.

The award winner will receive a $14,000 grant, composed of a personal grant of $2,500, curatorial guidance, and the production of a solo exhibition that will be part of the 2022 International Photography Festival.

PHOTO IS:RAEL, an independent not for profit organization, active since 2009 with the aim to create social change through the language of photography.

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