ExperimentallyFine ArtLandscapePhotography

In a moody world by Martin Fry

Martin Fry bought his first camera when he was 16 and set up a darkroom in his bedroom. “My printing was rubbish!” After working for 20 years as a Carpenter and Builder he decided to take up his photography hobby as a new career. After going to a talk by a pro stock photographer locally, he decided that rather than go down the ‘high street studio/family portraits’ route that he wanted to own his own Stock Image Library and started shooting all sorts of images, mainly to license to the greetings card & calendars markets.

The Island by Martin Fry

“It took seven long years to get established. My best move was when I decided to go against the advice of other photographs who told me to stay away from animals & kids, I reasoned that if most photographers stayed clear of this market then that was the gap in the market…and it was for me. Over the next 25 years, I became a specialist at ‘Shooting’ all types of animals. Setting up a tabletop studio in people’s homes and create authentic garden sets, Christmas sets, and sets for all the occasions that the public buys as cards. Around half of the 45,000 images in my stock Library are of animals and many are still licensed out today.” 

Walberswick Boats by Martin Fry

“My new style of art is based on the merging and mixing of textures, grunge & painting effects together with my images until I feel the image has the look I was trying to achieve and to create unique, limited edition, unrepeatable images.”

“I shoot my favorite things: land & seascapes, trees, old barns and city buildings etc. I try to stay away from ‘pretty’ images that everyone and their aunty seems to shoot.”

“After shooting ‘pretty and cute’ for so many years It is great fun to create darker, moody and sometimes downright spooky images….Book Covers maybe?”

Martin Fry’s new style of art is based on the merging and mixing of textures, grunge & painting effects together with his images until he feels the image has the look he was trying to achieve and to create unique, limited edition, unrepeatable images. He shoots his favorite things: land & seascapes, trees, old barns and city buildings, etc. He tries to stay away from ‘pretty’ images that everyone and their aunty seem to shoot.

Martin Fry, Photo by Kevin Fry


Martin Fry


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