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International Women In Photo Award 2021

The International Women in Photo Association (IWPA) is announcing its open call for women photographers to submit their entries for the 2021 edition of the awards.

The IWPA Award is a photography award organized by the International Women In Photo Association. Over the past years, the award has attracted thousands of women photographers of different origins and cultural backgrounds, with over 800 photographers participating in 2020 from over 80 countries and 6 continents.

The IWPA Award is open to women photographers from all over the world, and those who identify as women, working in any field of photography from fine arts to photojournalism.

The activity of International Women in Photo Association addresses issues of gender equality, aiming to promote women’s voices by providing visibility to women photographers. The association allows women to share their vision of society by leveraging the power of image to counterbalance gendered stereotypes conveyed in photo. The association is committed towards concrete actions for change: it supports female creators through its annually organized IWPA award, as well as through education and mentoring programs by partnering with photography schools to provide training for photographers coming from low-income countries. The association is also
launching a platform that allows audiences to connect with creators through donations and monthly subscriptions programs.

Deadline: October 31, 2021


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