

Online magazine for Photography and Art – A window on the world of visual arts, where artworks from selected artists around the globe are shown and shared as well as News and Infos from the world of Photography and Art.


Unusual Landscapes by Kaushik Dolui

Humans cannot exist without nature. Nature is not the same without humans. We are a part of nature and we have been changing the landscapes of nature. In the project ”Unusual Landscapes”, Kaushik Dolui tried to describe man-made artifacts in natural contexts, and how much they attract us in colors, forms and shapes against a vast mountain landscape of timeless terrain. Sometimes they seem unnatural, mysterious and unusual. But they are nonetheless a part of this world.

Unusual Landscapes. Photo by Kaushik Dolui

Sometimes his landscapes seems unnatural, mysterious and unusual.

Kaushik Dolui tried to describe man-made artifacts in natural contexts

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Born in Howrah, West Bengal, India but currently Kaushik Dolui is living in Kolkata, His works have been published 5 times in Dodho Magazin, photographize magazine (issue no-38), DNG Magazine (Issue No-156) and others. He is the Gold winner 2018 in the category fine art/collage Tokyo Photo Awards (TIFA). Other awards: Monovisionawards, iphotographeroftheyear (Silver Award 2017), ND awards, PX3 (France) and more.

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