Community News & InfosExhibition

Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography

Since the invention of photography, the family has been the subject of photographic observation, both in personal photo albums and in artistic series. From 20 April to 4 July 2021, more than 20 international photographers will address this topic in the exhibition FAMILY AFFAIRS. FAMILY IN CURRENT PHOTOGRAPHY at the House of Photography at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg.

Nancy Borowick: His and Hers, 2013. From the series »The Family Imprint«, 2013

© Nancy Borowick

The exhibition, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, curator of the House of Photography, presents current artistic projects that highlight both the diversity of photographic approaches and the range of family models, ways of life, and complex interpersonal dynamics. The photographic gaze breaks through the everyday and questions prevailing norms. Traditional and new role models, intimate moments of parenting and growing old, being overwhelmed, and chaos are examined as well as love, support, and despair in one’s own family.

The series, all of which were created after 2010, were selected according to the criteria of their photographic and thematic diversity. The participating artists develop the legacy of the previous generation of artistic family photography around Larry Sultan, Nan Goldin, and Sally Mann and explore the current state of the genre. In the selected series by well-known photographers from around the world, subjective experiences and objective considerations shared by people across borders are made visible. The exhibition Family Affairs can thus also be understood as a transcontinental photographic discourse.

In order to give viewers the opportunity to engage with the respective works in depth, the number of artists was limited and each series will be presented in a separate room. In addition, the photo book of each artist’s series as well as further artist books can be viewed in a separate reading room. Another room in the exhibition will feature group portraits of families by various photographers.

At the end of the exhibition, young visitors will have the opportunity to create their own exhibition.

Grégoire Korganow: Gerson and William, Brasilien, 2015. From the series »father and son«, 2010-16

© Grégoire Korganow

Elinor Carucci: Three generations, 2016. from the Series Midlife, 2019

© Elinor Carucci


Nora Bibel (Germany), Nancy Borowick (USA), Katharina Bosse (Finnland), Elinor Carucci (Israel), John Clang (Singapur), Daniel W. Coburn (USA), Neil DaCosta (USA), Siân Davey (UK), Jamie Diamond (USA), Hassan Fazili (Afghanistan), Vincent Ferrané (France), Gustavo Germano (Argentinia), Eric Gyamfi (Ghana), Lucia Herrero (Spain), Lebohang Kganye (South Africa), Grégoire Korganow (France), Katharina Mayer (Germany), Dario Mitidieri (Italy), Lee-Ann Olwage (South Africa), Trent Parke (Australia), Linn Schröder (Germany), Daniel Schumann (Germany) and Akihito Yoshida (Japan)

The exhibition is under the patronage of the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Franziska Giffey.


20. April - 4. July 2021