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Leica Camera AG is a partner of the photography festival “horizonte zingst” 2022

Leica Camera AG is once again a partner of the environmental photography festival "horizonte zingst", which will take place this year from May 20 to 29, 2022 under the title "EAT IT - About Food". Visitors can look forward to exciting and photographic days with exhibitions and photo workshops by the Leica Academy. In addition, interested parties can test the Leica product portfolio extensively at the Leica booth and receive comprehensive advice.

© Luis Arango, Bis der Mais wieder wächst 

The Leica photo exhibitions include the "SugarWOW" project, a journey into the fascinating and adventurous worlds of the magic ingredient sugar. Berlin-based photographer Jan von Holleben presents his photographs in the Max Hünten Haus gallery. A second exhibition in cooperation with Stern magazine - "The Human Cost" - is on view at the Marine Complex. The north of Argentina was once a paradise of forests and rivers, but then genetically modified crops, monocultures and pesticides took hold - glyphosate in particular has been used intensively there for more than 20 years. Photographer Pablo Ernesto Piovano from Buenos Aires tells the story of the people from these areas, where the rates of disease and deformities have been massively increasing for years. In addition, there is the photo exhibition "Until the corn grows again" by Lys Arango, which can be seen at the Leica Galerie Zingst. Climate change is destroying the harvests of hundreds of thousands of small farmers and causing malnutrition and undernourishment in many places. The Spanish photographer got to the bottom of this phenomenon in Guatemala, focusing on everyday realities and highlighting in particular the perspective of children and their families.

In addition, various Leica Academy workshops with topics ranging from portraiture to landscape and black-and-white photography complement the program in Zingst. There are still places available for the two-day workshop "Querfeldein. Over stick and over stone" on May 27, 2022. The workshop first begins at the Max Hünten Haus with a brief introduction to nature photography, followed by practical application of the theory. The tour leads by bicycle east out of Zingst, along the dike into the Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft National Park. Leica Academy instructors Marcus Klimek and Siegfried Brück will introduce interested participants to classic landscape photography with sound tips and tricks.

All Infos about the festival 

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