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Fight against antisemitism: Simon Wiesenthal Prize

Part of Austria‘s special historical responsibility is the fight against antisemitism, which today has many faces and comes not only from the fringes but also is perceptible in the centre of society. Our attention to antisemitic tendencies must not be diminished and the commitment against them must not be ended. This is precisely where the Simon-Wiesenthal-Prize comes in: The prize is going to be awarded to people who have shown special civil society commitment to combating antisemitism and/or raising awareness about the Holocaust. The National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism, esta- blished at the Austrian Parliament, invites per- sons and groups of persons from civil society to apply for the Simon-Wiesenthal-Prize. The work of the proposed prize winners must demonstrate a special civil society commitment against anti-semitism and/or for education about the Holocaust.

Are you actively engaged in combating antisemitism and educating people about the Holocaust? Then submit an entry for the Simon Wiesenthal Prize!

Or do you know someone who is actively engaged in combating antisemitism and educating people about the Holocaust and think that these activities should be recognised? Then nominate that person or group for the Simon Wiesenthal Prize!



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